
Link to slides presented at different workshops and summer/winter schools.
Transactional Memory, Multicores, Programming in R



 Holi ELL783+ELL405 Operating Systems 50 students
COL331+COL633 Operating Systems 150 students
 Diwali ELL782 Computer Architecture 42 students
COP701 Software Systems Lab 31 students


 Holi ELL783+ELL405 Operating Systems 70 students
COL818 Principles of Multiprocessor Systems 8 students
 Diwali ELL782 Computer Architecture 42 students
COP701 Software Systems Lab 31 students


 Holi COL331+COL633 Operating Systems 186 students
ELL783+ELL405 Operating Systems 66 students
 Diwali ELL 782 Computer Architecture 31 students
COL 718 Architecture of High Performance Computers 26 students



 Holi  COL 720  Real Time Systems 10 students
 ELL 783+ELL405  Operating Systems 37 students
 Diwali ELL 782+SIL 618 Computer Architecture 50 students
COL 718 Architecture of High Performance Computers 10 students



Holi ELL 783/ELL 405 Operating Systems 70 students
COL 819 Advanced Distributed Systems 60 students
Diwali COL 718 Architecture of High Performance Computers 12 students
ELL 782 Computer Architecture 30 students



Holi COL 819 Advanced Distributed Systems 40 students
COL 851 Special Topics in Operating Systems
FreeBSD and Linux kernel hacking
8 students
COP 820 Processor Design Lab: Processors for CNNs 9 students
Diwali ELL 305 Computer Architecture 193 students
COP 701 Software Systems Lab 34 students
COP 820 Processor Design Lab: Processors for CNNs 6 students


Holi COL 331/633 Operating Systems 120 students
COL 886 Special Topics in Operating Systems: Linux kernel hacking 3 students
Diwali ELL 782/ COL718 Computer Architecture 13+ 13 students
ELP 781 Digital Systems Lab  3 students
COP 701 Software Systems Lab 31 students



Holi COL 331/ 633 Operating Systems 100 students
ELL 405 Operating Systems 30 students
Diwali COL 818 Principles of
Multiprocessor Systems


Holi COL 718 Architecture of High Performance
37 students
COL 819 Advanced Distributed Systems 26 students
Diwali COL 100 Introduction to Programming
(instructor's site)
250 students
COL 861 Special Topics in Hardware Systems 4 students
COV 881 Special Module in Hardware Systems 7 students


Holi COL 718 Architecture of High Performance Computers 70 students
Diwali COL 100 Introduction to Programming 225 students


Holi COL 216 Computer Architecture 120 students
Diwali CSL 860 Advanced Distributed Systems 23 students


Holi CSL 818 Principles of Multiprocessor Systems 40 students
Diwali CSL 211 Computer Architecture 135 students


Holi CSL 860 Advanced Distributed Systems  37 students
Diwali CSL 211 Computer Architecture 123 students (IITD)
60 students (IIT Rpr)


Holi CSL 861

Art of Multiprocessor

26 students
Diwali CSL 211 Computer Architecture

123 students (IITD)
63 students (IIT Rpr)

Advanced Computer Architecture 46 students
AAIT, Ethiopia



Holi CSL 861 Fault Tolerant Systems
(Co-taught with Prof. Arun Somani)
18 students