Computer Architecture

Course: ELL782
Semester I, 2024-25
Credits: 3 (3-0-0)

Instructor:Dr. Smruti R. Sarangi and Dr. Kaushik Saha

: Slot M: Monday and Thursday: 5 to 6:30 PM, LH 604
Course Description: This course will give an introduction to designing and programming high performance processors.

  1. Assignment 1 (15 marks)
  2. Assignment 2 (15 marks)
  3. Minor (30 marks)
  4. Major (40 marks)

Audit criteria: 40% overall.

  1. All deadlines are final. No deadline (under any circumstance) will be extended.
  2. If any student is getting an E or I grade, he or she will only be eligible to write the remajor. No other component will be
    re-evaluated (or freshly evaluated).
  3. If a student misses the minor exam or an assignment deadline, he/she is eligible for
    a reminor or the third assignment. This will be considerably harder than the minor exams
    or any of the assignments (resp.). No medical certificate needs to be submitted. As a rule, no personal or medical matter
    should be shared with the instructors or TAs. Also, any re-evaluation will be considerably harder than the original
  4. Use the Piazza group for all communication.
  5. Zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism. If there is copying in any assignment, we will give you zero marks in both the assignments.
  6. If you miss the major exam, apply for an I grade. The academic section will decide your eligibility.
  7. There will be no student-TA or student-instructor one-to-one discussion after the exam/HW scripts are shown. The student will
    be given a chance to make a written submission, which will be considered while re-evaluating the script/HW. The written submission
    will be read with a lot of attention, and after is read, a noting will be made.
  8. There should be no display of any kind of official rank, military rank, societal rank, JEE/GATE rank or any other such possession in the class, or in any other academic setting related to the course. All students will be addressed by their first name or any other name that they prefer, and all students will
    be treated equally. No student will ever be asked to divulge any information that is not legally required for the seamless conduct of the course. It is
    important that all students perceive that the playing field is "level"; the instructors will undertake all possible efforts to ensure that this is the case.
  9. Please only discuss academic matters with the instructors. All other matters including any adjustment or mental health related issues need to be discussed with your
    faculty counsellors or student counsellors. The instructors or TAs are not qualified to deal with problems of a physiological or psychological nature.

Piazza link: : (access code: ell782)

Teaching Assistants
    1. Akanksha Dixit
    2. Mitesh Pandey
    3. Ananya Sharma
    4. Raheen Junaid Wani

Main Textbook: Advanced Computer Architecture:
Advanced Computer Architecture (link to the book)
Background on digital logic, arithmetic units, processors and caches: Basic Computer Architecture (link)