All these articles have been written in a personal capacity and do not reflect the views of my employer, IIT Delhi, or any other organization.

  1. What can be taught, and what cannot be taught, when you reach voting age? [link]
  2. Open textbook movement. [link]
  3. Cover of the book on the Design of Web Browsers released. [link]
  4. New Chapter on RISC-V in my book Basic Computer Architecture [link]
  5. How is Hiring done in IITs/NITs? [link]
  6. GPUTejas version 2.0 released [link]
  7. Philosophy of Large-Scale Entrance Exams. [link]
  8. Teaching: An Interesting yet Paradoxical of Human Psychology [ link]
  9. Latest version of ISA emulators [ link ]
  10. Importance of Vernacular Languages [ link]
  11. Announcement of the new OS course based on the latest version of the Linux kernel [ link ]
  12. Excellence in Absolute Poverty: Stories from Odisha, India [ link]
  13. Ever thought what is common between the maps of New York, Berlin, Delhi, Sau Paulo, Osaka and Tehran? [ link]
  14. Should we put in 70-hour weeks? [link]
  15. Version 2.0 of my computer architecture book released (Next-Gen Computer Architecture). [link]
  16. We, the people of our great country, sadly don't read. [link]
  17. IIT Delhi's M.Tech program in cybersecurity [link]
  18. Guide to Linux kernel hacking. [link]
  19. Life after IIT: Unemployed at 40 or employed till 80? [link]
  20. How to impart values to engineers the right way? [link]
  21. Need for an engineering exit exam in India [link]
  22. Why are our undergraduate students not studying? [ link]
  23. Significant result: Universal model for cache side-channel attacks. [link]
  24. Why has (fake) AI/ML ripped through our academic system? [link]
  25. What can our education policy makers learn from our hunter-gatherer ancestors? [link]
  26. What kind of academic content do we prefer? [link]
  27. How a False Love for AI/ML is Destroying our Engineering Colleges. [link]
  28. Announcement of the Tejas architectural simulator. [ link]
  29. Videos of my class on Real-Time Systems [link]
  30. Why have grades (marks) in educational institutions? [link]
  31. Ultra-high throughput JSON parser developed in our group. [link]
  32. Laser Modulation Schemes to Reduce Static Power in On-chip Networks. Book chapter. [link]
  33. What is wrong with school education in India? (Part-II) [link]
  34. What is wrong with school education in India? (Part-I) [link]
  35. What universities can learn from cavemen? [link]
  36. The second version of my book Basic Computer Architecture released. [link]
  37. Truth about depression in engineering colleges [link]
  38. India before 1991: What a can of coke meant to kids. [link]
  39. Stop discussing how much IITians earn: it is misleading and vulgar. [link]
  40. Survey of neural network accelerators. [link]
  41. Who pays for your fuel, power, mobile phone, and diamond ring? [link]
  42. Question about writing free textbooks? [link]
  43. Advanced distributed systems (slides and videos launched). [link]
  44. Is English really the problem in Indian education? [link]
  45. Release of computer architecture lecture videos. [link]
  46. Release of the new CBSE class 9-12 curriculum (chaired by Prof. Smruti R. Sarangi). [link]